Reverse Geocoding: Nominatim

Provider: OpenStreetMaps
Provider Client Libraries:
Multiple Languages: Yes
Limitations: 1 request per second (86400 per day)
Price: Free


You can use thid party providers or install your own instance


Example request:

Example response:

<reversegeocode timestamp="Fri, 06 Nov 09 16:33:54 +0000" querystring="...">
   <result place_id="1620612" osm_type="node" osm_id="452010817">
     135, Pilkington Avenue, Wylde Green, City of Birmingham, West Midlands (county), B72, United Kingdom
     <road>Pilkington Avenue</road>
     <village>Wylde Green</village>
     <town>Sutton Coldfield</town>
     <city>City of Birmingham</city>
     <county>West Midlands (county)</county>
     <country>United Kingdom</country>

Abrir los ojos

Antes de las últimas elecciones ya, había varios que me decían (y siguen manteniendo): “las cosas no van mal ¿acaso ves a alguien pasarlo mal? ¿Conoces a alguien que le falte algo?”. Es un mensaje que me lanzan en discusiones amigos intentando justificar su intención de voto, y me da igual tú orientación, lo que cuenta es como miras el mundo.

Seguir leyendo en El Faradio.

WSO2 API Manager

It can be installed on premise or it can be used in its cloud version. The cloud is a beta version. We will only consider the on premise versio. Thinking about an on premise solution you are responsible of deploy an environment that provides availability, scale capabilities, and low latency for all subscribers.

Set up

In order to create a preproduction environment all the components can be installed, configured and run in the same machine.

In order to create a production environment the different components (API Publisher, Gateway, Store, Key Manager, and 3 MySQL Databases) should be installed in separate servers. Multiple instances of these components should be set up behind a load balancer in order to provide high availability.


Additionally, a monitoring component could be included. Different configurations must be applied to each component.


A publisher can publish an API manually, using a WSDL in a SOAP Endpoint or other API definition file for another type of service.

A subscriber can discover and subscribe to an API throw Store component. After that she can invoke the API using SOAP or REST clients.


Microsoft Flow

La semana pasada tuvimos la noticia de que Microsoft lanzaba un competidor de IFTTT (If This Then That) para que los usuarios puedan automatizar las tareas que hacen en el día a día de un modo sencillo.

Seguir leyendo en CantabriaTIC.